
Salem Bryan Bennett Library begins Leather Apron Club

By WJBD Staff Sep 5, 2023 | 8:29 AM

The Salem Bryan Bennett Library has announced the start of a new book club for kindergarten through fourth graders and their caregivers.

The first meeting of the “Leather Apron Club” will be held this Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the Reference Room.

The new club is inspired by the book “The Leather Apron Club: Benjamin Franklin, His Son Billy & America’s First Circulating Library” which is the book for the first month’s meeting.

During the hour, children and caregivers will have the opportunity to participate in an activity related to the theme of the book of the month. A leather bracelet will be the project for September. There will be a read aloud of the book or parts of it and discussion and sharing time inspired by the Read Aloud Revival created by Sarah Mackenzie. Children will leave with a brown bag of cookies and a reading challenge for the next month.

The book for the October 5 meeting will be “The Children of Noisy Village” and the November 2 meeting will be “Heartwood Hotel: A True Home”. There will be a break in December.