The Salem Community High School Board Monday night voted to add new cafeteria tables and chairs to the kitchen renovation project planned for this summer.
Superintendent Dr. Brad Detering says the tables and chairs will cost about $50,000. The $2-million renovation of the kitchen and serving line area was approved earlier.
Detering has been assured the project can be completed by the start of school in August.
“It’s going to start immediately after school. We have got the last day with staff on May 24 and on May 25 we are going to start moving everything from the kitchen into the cafeteria. Then we will have about a 2 week asbestos abatement in the kitchen with the removal of ceiling tiles and in the ceiling. And then we will get back to the rest of the kitchen renovation program which will also include the cafeteria, the serving line.”
The board also approved a motion to sell the existing cafeteria equipment as surplus to the highest bidders.
The last day for seniors was Monday. Other students will have their final day of classes this Friday, with final exams for freshmen, sophomores and juniors who need to take them next Monday and Tuesday. Graduation will be at two Sunday afternoon at BE Gum gymnasium.
The board reappointed Sarah Meador as the representative on the Kaskaskia Special Education District Board.
The board approved three volunteer coaches. They are Sara Beth Williams and Mackenzie Wrightnowar as cheer coaches and Ryan Bennett as assistant football coach.