
Police Beat for Sunday, May 1st, 2022

By Bruce Kropp May 1, 2022 | 9:45 AM

Centralia Police arrested 24-year-old Imani Kaufman of Ruth Street in Irvington on outstanding Marion, Clinton, and Washington County warrants.  She was taken to the Marion County Jail where she is being held in lieu of a combined $17,500 bond.  The Marion County warrant was for failure to appear on three pending counts of meth delivery under five grams.  The Clinton County warrant is for failure to appear on a pending felony retail theft charge.  The Washington County warrant is for failure to appear on an ordinance conviction for allowing a dog to run at large that bit another dog.

47-year-old Wade Davis of Jackson, Tennessee was arrested by State Police for driving under the influence.   He was taken to the Marion County Jail.

34-year-old Ryan McCarty of Front Street in Iuka was given a notice to appear after being arrested for driving on a suspended or revoked license, possession of adult-use cannabis, and no insurance.

Marion County Sheriff’s Deputies investigating a report of gunshots being found in the Maplewood Avenue area just north of Salem.  The source of the gunshots or if the noise was something else could never be determined.  The call came in at 5:36 Saturday night.