
Centralia High School Board discusses curriculum additions and COVID-19

By WJBD Staff Oct 29, 2021 | 8:38 AM

The Centralia High School board discussed several coming additions to its curriculum at its meeting on Thursday, October 28. The existing two-semester music appreciation course will be changed to one semester of Music Appreciation followed by one semester of Music Fundamentals. An Advanced Electricity class will be added as a continuation of Basic Electricity. Other classes include Programming Technologies, Computer Security, Intro to Criminal Justice, Private Security and Retail Security.

Superintendent Chuck Lane said that the new classes will be good opportunities for students to earn dual credit in areas of study they plan to pursue.

“We’re trying to add classes so that kids can start on a pathway while they’re in high school, get dual credit, and have six or nine credits towards that degree. Not every kid knows what they’re going to do, but some kids do, and if they do, we might as well get them started.”

Centralia High Principal Reid Shipley reported the school continues to fare well dealing with COVID-19, saying that positive cases and quarantines from school contact are “few and far between.”

Superintendent Chuck Lane discussed the rate of infection in the area and expressed cautious hope that if COVID numbers stay low, the state mask mandate could be lifted, and masks could once again be optional in school.

“I hope that in the coming months our numbers stay down, stay where they are now, keep getting lower, and then we can go back to (masks) being optional,” Lane said. “But, in case they don’t, we have to be prepared for that.”

The board briefly discussed the upcoming Distinguished Alumni assembly. It takes place Friday, October 29 at 2:20 P.M. at the Centralia High School gym and is open to the public. Two CHS alumni are to be honored at the event: James Sumner, President of the USA Poultry and Egg Export Council, and Dale Miller, long-time president of the West Virginia Radio Corporation.

CHS will be hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross throughout the school day on Thursday, November 4, open to the public.

The installation and dedication of a sign at the high school tennis courts honoring the late coach Craig Freels was delayed due to production issues. The  dedication is planned to take place in spring during the boys’ tennis season.

The November and December board meetings have been rescheduled. They will take place Monday, November 29 at 7:00 P.M. and December 20 at 6:00 P.M. respectively. New Hires: Ethan Hawkins, full-time custodian. Laura Brubaker, assistant bowling coach.