The Daffy Dill Garden Club will host the Festival of Flowers and Statue Garden Walk at the William Jennings Bryan Statue on North Broadway in Salem on Saturday.
Sharon Blair of the garden club says there are several activities planned between nine am and three pm.
“There will be vendors offering flowers, food and crafts. There are many past vendors, and some new ones,” Blair said. “We would like to have all the people of Salem come out and join us. We will be offering guided walking tours of the garden, focusing on the involvement of that garden from the beginning to its present-day status… and also plant and flower identification.”
Blair says a lot of work has been put into the garden so far this year.
“There’s been a lot of emphasis on planting some new perennial plants which will return every year and make the garden more sustainable in the future. The annual flowers that have been planted as well are absolutely gorgeous right now.”
Blair says due to unfortunate circumstances there will not be a tour of gardens around the city this year.
In addition to the work at the statue gardens, the Daffy Dill Garden Club also plants and maintains the downtown flower boxes.