By Austin Williams
The Centralia City School Board heard from Principal Jordan Queen of Centralia Junior High School at its meeting on Tuesday. Queen gave the curriculum report in which he talked about the progress the school has made in Social Emotional Learning programs, the success of extracurricular programs, and an increase in resources and support for students who are not native English speakers. Queen described the importance of Social Emotional Learning to guide behavior for students post-pandemic:
“After the pandemic, we’ve seen a rise in mental health issues and things that students really need to focus on. Being out of school… students lost some of the skills they would have gained otherwise being in school.”
Queen says that teachers working closely with students on behavior, socialization and mental health is essential for both academic success and the health of the overall school climate and remains a focus for faculty at the Junior High going forward.
Spanish-speaking CJHS students faced with a language barrier have access to live translation software that allows them to communicate with their English-speaking teachers and peers. When possible, these students have also been provided with Spanish language textbooks and curriculum materials. There are ten such students at CJHS, designated English Language Learners, who have benefitted from the school’s efforts to give them an accessible education.
The board approved Lunsford Architects to plan and create bid specs for a Jordan School playground project to replace old equipment. The board also approved the state mandated Undesignated Opioid Antagonists Guidelines, which outline authorizations and procedures for administering undesignated medications such as Narcan in medical emergencies.
Superintendent Craig Clark reported current enrollment across the school district totals 1058, a decrease of over 100 students since 2020. Clark noted that this number could rise in coming years due to a high level of enrollment in Pre-K programs in the area.
Emylee Sanders was approved for employment as a Kindergarten teacher. The board accepted a letter of intent to retire from Monica Wimberly of CJHS, effective at the end of the 2027-28 school year.