The Salem City Council Monday night will consider “officially” allowing steel cargo shipping containers in some zoning codes. They are currently not allowed by International Building Code in any zone, but at least two are already in place without any type of zoning variance or permission from the city.
The issue is coming up now because the owners of the 6:10 Coffee Company at Mills Cart and West Main requested permission from the city to locate one of the containers behind their business building for storage of their product needs and were told they are not allowed.
City Manager Rex Barbee notes the steel containers are built to a higher standard than the wooden and metal sheds that are covered in the building code, but are not included because of their more industrial appearance.
Barbee says while there may be some level of acceptance for this type of storage in a commercial venue, he does not personally believe they should be allowed in a residential setting. He notes the city has told others in the past that the shipping containers are not allowed.
The City Council will also be asked to consider a change in city hall hours from eight am to five pm to 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Barbee notes traffic after four pm has dropped off in recent months and the hourly office staff have requested the change.
Barbee says an earlier start time would allow residents to contact City Hall prior to their work day and be closer to the start time of public works crews and allow for work orders for public works crews on water, gas and shut off notices. He notes work orders are not currently issued to public works after 3:30 for residential service work such as hookups, shutoffs and inspections.
The city council meeting begins at six Monday night at Salem City Hall.