
Spring planting progress reported despite rain last week

By WJBD Staff May 25, 2021 | 8:42 AM

Statewide rainfall was about a half inch above normal this past week, but producers still found time to continue planting.

Crop Statistician Mark Schleusener says an average of 3.7 days were suitable for fieldwork and corn planting is now at 90% complete.

“74% of corn acres have emerged compared to 63% normally.  The first condition rating of the season for corn shows 3% of acres in very poor to poor condition, 26% of acres are fair, and 71% of Illinois corn acres are in good to excellent condition.”

80% of soybean acres have been planted with 60% emerged.  90% of winter wheat has headed and 84% of the crop is rated in good to excellent condition.  Average statewide topsoil moisture is rated as 1% very short, 9% short, 73% adequate and 17% surplus.