
Centralia reminds residents it is illegal to blow grass clippings onto city streets

By WJBD Staff Apr 6, 2022 | 11:48 AM

The City of Centralia would like to remind all Residents and Mowing Contractors that citations can and will be issued to those that blow grass clippings onto the City Streets. Clippings left on the streets get into the storm sewer system, clog drains and are also unsafe for bicyclists and motorcyclists.

Thank you for your consideration of this and for properly taking care of your clippings.

Options of proper disposal included bagged leaf and limb collection or on the city’s approved burn weekends. More information on collection and burn days is available on the cityofcentralia.org website.

If you have any questions please contact Gayla Harting, Director of Community Development at 618-533-7623 or email: gharting@cityofcentralia.org.