Wise World of Wellen presented by Salem Eye Clinic
1. “Pac-Man” made $3.5 billion in revenue as an arcade game, which is around $7.7 billion if you adjust for inflation. That makes it the highest-grossing arcade game of all time … just ahead of “Space Invaders” and “Street Fighter 2”.
2. “The Dark Knight” was the first Batman movie that didn’t have the word “Batman” in the title . . . or any bats in the movie.
3. Sharks are older than trees. Sharks have been around for about 400 million years . . . trees have only been around for 350 million.
4. Why is the person screaming in the famous painting “The Scream” by Edvard Munch? It’s based on a moment after the Krakatoa volcano exploded in Indonesia in 1883, and it made the sky red as far away as Norway, where Munch lived.
5. Hot water freezes faster than cold water.