The Centralia City Council Monday night will be asked to adopt a new comprehensive plan. The process included community engagement meetings, research and analysis, and focusing on key elements such as land use, housing, transportation, parks and recreation, economic development, and environmental sustainability.
A resolution will be presented to hire Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly, Inc. to plan rehabilitation to runways 18/26 at the Centralia Municipal Airport.
Another resolution is planned to waive the bidding requirements for emergency repairs and installation of storm and sanitary sewer improvements at Franklin and Rexford and at Rexford and Lincoln. The cost of the project is estimated at $118,054.
The council will be asked to amend an ordinance to increase water and sewer tap on fees due to increased material costs.
A resolution to disburse $49,497 Tax Increment Finance District 4 funding to Country Bob, Inc. as called for under their development agreement will be considered.
The meeting begins at six Monday night at Centralia City Hall.