
Salem City Council to open bids for sale of former Save-a-Lot building

By WJBD Staff Jul 22, 2024 | 8:33 AM

Will the former Save-a-Lot building on West Main in Salem have new owners?

The Salem City Council will open sealed bids at its Monday night meeting from anyone interested in purchasing the building.  City officials say there has been some interest.

The Salem City Council voted this spring to sell the building after determining it would not be a good location for the police department for which it was originally purchased.  Mission Salem and Sleep in Heavenly Peace have utilizing the building on a temporary basis.  The city council is now providing land on South Hotze Road for Mission Salem to build a building for their work on providing ramps to residences who need them to stay in their home.  Sleep in Heavenly Peace had found a new location on North Broadway before the city decided to sell the building.

The council will be asked to approve a low bid of $17,281 from Midwest Underground Discovery to televise sewer lines in the southeast quadrant of the downtown area.  City Manager Annette Sola says the money is not budgeted, but is a necessary expense to determine the extent of damage to the lines prior to entering into a contract for replacement.

The council will consider a request from Leon Chapman to vacate an alley on the west and south sides of his property in the 300 block of West Boone.

The Salem City Council meets at city hall at six Monday night.