The Salem Community High School Student Council has surpassed their $10,000 goal to raise money for the Salem Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry. The campaign officially raised $10,640.
The student council went with a plea for cash donations this year because COVID-19 restrictions prevented the school from conducting its annual canned food drive that traditionally collects 20,000 to 30,000 cans.
Student Council Sponsor Matt Donoho had concerns if the cash donation drive would work and said when announcing they had surpassed their goal that he was moved to tears by the number of generous donations.
Without the big food drives this fall, the Food Pantry was concerned about keeping their shelves full.
The Salem Boy Scouts are now replacing their Scouting for Food program with a drive through donation at the Salem Community Center from 12 noon to 3 on Saturday, December 12th. Boxes for donations have also been placed at Salem IGA and the Dollar General Store.