
Salem Grade School District learns of formation of Foundation to help district

By WJBD Staff Oct 20, 2023 | 9:42 AM
Salem Grade School Board.

The Salem Grade School District Board learned Thursday night of plans to form the Salem 111 Foundation that will be designed to help the district.

Rene Goza was the spokesperson for the group and explained its purpose.

“Our Foundation will be invested in walking besides our students, teachers, staff, administration and school board to build upon the already exemplary education offered here.  Our mission will be supported by raising monetary funds and encourage school pride.  Its our goal to encourage individuals, businesses, alumni and civic organizations to contribute to Salem 111  Foundation by the time, talent and treasure.”

Salem Grade School Superintendent Dr. Leslie Foppe said the foundation would be separate from the school board and school administration.

“Moving forward we will get more ideas and communicate with her and work with them. Anything that benefits the kids we are all about.”

The board approved its commercial insurance renewal with a new carrier that will save the district nearly $28,000. Foppe asked for bids after the cost of insurance jumped substantially last year. In addition to being less expensive, Foppe says there is increased coverage in areas they needed.

In personnel action, the board hired Travis Edwards as fulltime custodian, Amanda Stratton as part-time cook, and Archer Tucker and Cody Beard as high school custodial help. The board hired Amy Robbins as second Student Council sponsor.