
Grass and leaf fire gets out of control in Centralia burning two homes and garage

By Bruce Kropp Feb 22, 2023 | 2:58 PM

Centralia City Firefighters say a leaf and grass fire inside a recreation burn container blew out of control Tuesday afternoon and ended up burning the siding of two homes and damaging a garage.

The fire started on the Kimberly Gibson property at 119 Oak Park East and spread to the Louis Nelson property at 117 Oak Park East next door.

When firemen received the call, they were told the fire was spreading to a hot tub that was not working.  By the time they arrived the fire was burning a fence and had reached the siding of the two homes.   Firemen say they had to pull some of the siding off the garage and break out a window to make sure the fire was out.

All off-duty firemen were called in and the Centralia Fire Protection District called for mutual aid.   Sandoval Firemen were canceled on the way to cover the Centralia City Fire Station when the fire was quickly brought under control.

Firemen were on the scene for about an hour starting at 3:50 Tuesday afternoon.