
Salem City Council Tuesday night to act on major road and sidewalk improvement plan and to bar older mobile homes

By Bruce Kropp Sep 3, 2024 | 9:00 AM

The Salem City Council Tuesday night will be asked to approve a resolution setting aside $466,850 in motor fuel tax money to help pay for a $1-million road repaving and sidewalk replacement program.   The rest of the funding will come from $493,291 in Rebuild Illinois Funds.

The project includes resurfacing of North Jefferson from East Schwartz to East Senneff, North College from 160 feet north of West Main to West Boone, and West Boone Street from 200 feet east of North College to North Broadway.  The project also includes a new sidewalk along West Boone Street from North Broadway to College Street.

The council will also be asked to make an ordinance change that would prohibit mobile homes more than 20 years old from being pulled onto single lots.  City Manager Annette Sola says many of the older homes no longer meet the Manufactured Home Improvement Act and are not habitable when they are brought in.  The changes will require the home to be 20 years or newer, must comply with MHIA, and be habitable at the time the home is installed.

The Wastewater Treatment Plant has a large sludge storage tank that needs to be repaired.  After the tank is emptied in the coming weeks, Sola says repairs will need to be done as quickly as possible.  She is recommending approval of an estimate from Cady Aquastore, Inc. for $43,950 for the repairs.

The council will also be asked to approve an estimate from Scheid Diesel Service in Effingham for $22,506 to replace the engine in the 2017 Ford F-750 used to haul at the landfill.

The meeting begins at six Tuesday night at Salem City Hall.