
Salem Community High School Board approves tentative budget

By Austin Williams Aug 20, 2024 | 1:14 PM
Newly renovated hallway in Salem Community High School. Photo by Cole Wimberly.

The Salem Community High School Board has approved a tentative budget for the new fiscal year.

Superintendent Dr. Brad Detering says the budget totals around $10.5 million dollars.

“We’re satisfied with what the tentative budget looks like. We have some deficits. We have a $143,000 deficit in the education fund, but we think hopefully with some increased revenues and keeping a tight eye on spending that we’ll be able to get that into a balanced budget situation,” Detering said. “We also have a deficit in the capital projects fund of just under $700,000, but that’s because of cash flowing to summer projects from this past summer.”

Detering says there are past surpluses to cover the deficits with the estimated fund balance at the end of the year of $10.5-million.  A budget hearing is set for the start of the September meeting, at seven pm on September 23rd.

Detering reports the construction work was finished prior to the start of school last week.

“The projects are substantially completed, we’re really just down to punch list style items,” Detering said. “The renovation, the facelift of the school looks fantastic.”

The work includes new flooring, locker renovation as well as refurbishing of the counseling area and weight room.   A new sound system was also added to the main gym.

Principal John Boles reports SCHS is starting the year with 719 students, down 11 from last year.  The breakdown includes 200 freshmen, 167 sophomore, 174 juniors and 178 seniors.

The board approved a change in the employee handbook to give all employees a six percent bump in their retirement benefits if they give four year notice of intent to retire.   Teachers already had that benefit, but it is now being added for all employees.

Those announcing their intent to retire after the 2027-28 school year with the new provision include teacher aides Deanna Weber and Brad Hargis, Executive Secretary/Bookkeeper Milrea Howe, Secretary and Bus Supervisor Kim Martin, study hall supervisor Tom Owen, Spanish Teacher Carrie Toth and her husband James Toth who is network supervisor, and Math Teacher Becky Schuler.

The board accepted resignations from custodian Samarah Smith, Haylee Helm as assistant volleyball coach as she takes a new position as Central City Grade School Principal, and Matt Donoho as assistant play director.

After a closed session the board hired Tracy Richie as fulltime custodian, Emilie Moore as breakfast kitchen helper, Olivia Chaplin and Cory Harris as assistant girls volleyball coaches and Trevor Greene as volunteer assistant coach.

Stairwell post-renovations. Photo by Cole Wimberly.

Refurbished weight room. Photo by Cole Wimberly.