
Centralia City Council to be asked to extend loan payments for new water plant

By WJBD Staff Aug 12, 2024 | 8:32 AM

The Centralia City Council will be asked Monday night to extent payments on its $34,000 low interest Illinois EPA loan from 20 to 30 years.  City Manager Kory Smith says the loan will be used to pay for the part of the new water treatment plant, raw water main and arterial line not paid for with grant funding.

The council will be asked to waive bids and award a contract to Ironhorse, Inc for railroad maintenance totaling $53,160 on the railroad spur the city owns in the Centralia Industrial Park.

The council will be asked to disburse $12,000 to Roger Campbell for facade improvements to the front of his building at 302 South Poplar Street.

The meeting begins at six Monday night at Centralia City Hall.