There may be interest in purchase of the former Save-a-Lot building on West Main Street after all.
Salem City Manager Annette Sola has put sealed bids for purchase of the building back on the agenda for Monday night’s meeting. She reports sealed bids have now been received that will be opened by the city council. The city council attempted to sell the building at its last meeting three weeks ago, but received no bids. After deciding the building was not adequate for a new police station, the council earlier this year voted to surplus the property and put it up for sale. A closed session is also on the agenda for the potential acquisition of real estate.
The council will be asked to pass a resolution in support of seeking federal and state funding for new ADA Compliant sidewalks and pedestrian lighting along Main Street from Pearl Street to Jefferson Street, West McMackin Street from Pearl to South Broadway and North Broadway from Alley Street to Church Street. A public hearing on the project will proceed the city council meeting at 5:30 Monday evening.
The council will consider a request to purchase the outdoor movie screen and projector equipment by a local business. If the council agrees, the property will be surplussed and sealed bids requested.
The council will be asked to approve a resolution to close portions of Broadway and Main for the Little Egypt Festival Parade on Saturday, October 5th.
The council will be asked to amend the Tax Increment Financing District agreement with Kenneth and Carol Bromley doing business as Bromley Excavating to change the closing date on the property from March 2023 as originally included in the agreement to June of 2024 when it actually closed.
The meeting begins at six Monday night at Salem City Hall.