
Salem Elementary superintendent announces intent to retire

By WJBD Staff Jun 18, 2024 | 2:40 PM

Salem Elementary superintendent Dr. Leslie Foppe announced her intention to retire four years from now during the school board meeting on Monday. Foppe will stay in her position until June 2028. Foppe said the decision wasn’t easy, but she felt it was the right choice for herself and her family.

“It took me a while to decide, because it’s a very hard decision,” Foppe said. “You put everything you have into the school and you love the district, the staff and the kids. But it’s nearing the end of my career and it’s time… I will give my all, one hundred percent, until I walk out the door in 2028. I’ll just support everybody as much as I can and keep the school district the best I can for the students and the community until I do retire.”

Foppe will have been in education for 36 years at the time she retires.

The board meeting began with a hearing for the amended FY 24 budget. The education fund had a deficit for the fiscal year of $429,567, which was lower than the previously expected $627,781 deficit thanks to revenue from state replacement tax, interest, and state lunch and breakfast programs. After accounting for adjustments in revenues and expenditures, the total balance for the school district at the end of June will be $7,784,587.

Summer cleaning and renovation projects are progressing as planned. The installation of new playground equipment is moving forward. The old equipment being removed will be assessed, and if it is still safe to use the district may donate it to another organization that would like to have it.

The district approved the renewal of commercial insurance for the next fiscal year. Insurance costs will increase fifteen percent from the previous year. Foppe said the district will be looking to re-bid insurance next year, seeking a lower rate.

The board also accepted the resignation of Katherine Lewis as paraprofessional.