
Odin School window replacement project set for next two summers; makes number of personnel changes

By Bruce Kropp Apr 19, 2024 | 2:48 PM
Odin High School. Photo by Sam Snodsmith.

The Odin School Board has awarded Griffith Construction of Odin a contract to replace all of the windows in the grade school portion of the building over the next two summers.  A total of 23 windows will be replaced for $29,000.  Superintendent Belinda Kirgan says the work will be paid for through a COPS US Department of Justice grant.  The 230,000 grant has also paid for security upgrades and the purchase of handheld radios to be used around the school.

The board has named Principal Quinton Marcum as Assistant Superintendant.  Kirgan says the plan is to ease Marcum into the Superintendent’s position the following year when she intends to retire.

The board accepted the resignation of Wyatt Capps as agriculture teacher and FFA sponsor.    Capps has taken a position at Mt. Vernon High School.  He will be replaced by Rebecca Merrill who is coming to the district from Decatur McArthur.   Kirgan says in addition to ag, Merrill will be able to teach welding, mechanics and construction.  She notes students who are interested in pursuing the career areas further will be able to utilize the Kaskaskia College program for high school students at the Crisp Center.

The board also accepted the resignation of Brandon Moore as junior high girls head basketball coach, Connor Brooks as physical education teacher, Ayna Kelly as sub special education teacher, KD Lynch as assistant girls softball coach and Samantha Wilder as paraprofessional.

The board hired Sydney Kuper as elementary/junior high physical education teacher, Tonya Pryor as pre-k teacher, Rudie Walker as head baseball coach, Jennette Hodge as junior high assistant track coach, and Natalie Williamson as junior high head girls basketball coach and assistant junior high girls softball coach.