
Salem issues nearly $6.5 million in building permits for 2023

By Bruce Kropp Dec 26, 2023 | 2:59 PM

The City of Salem has issued nearly 6.5 million dollars in building permits for 2023.

Two large projects are responsible for all but $ 1 million of new construction.   Salem Industrial Enterprises was issued a permit to construct the new industrial building on West Main at Selmaville Road that is being utilized by North American Lighting.   Ameren Illinois was issued a $1-million permit for the construction of a large new substation at 260 South Hotze Road in the west side industrial park.

There were three other large commercial projects.  Tesla was issued a $125,000 permit to install an electric vehicle charging station on the west parking lot of the Subway Restaurant.   The two others were for solar installations, including a $233,997 project at the new location of Little Egypt Golf Cars and a $151,144 installation at Bandy’s Pharmacy on West Whitaker Street.

Permits were issued for the construction of two new homes.  The homes each valued at $100,000 are being constructed in the 400 block of West Sanger and the 300 block of West Porter.   Two permits were issued for the location of mobile homes.  A $29,900 permit was issued for the 2100 block of Old Texas Lane and a $17,000 permit for a home in the 1300 block of North Trenary.  The permits were part of $377,700 issued for residential construction.  The other permits were for additions.

Another $109,630 in permits were issued for garages and storage buildings.  Of the 13 permits, nine were for storage buildings.

Ten demolition permits were issued during the year.  Five were in the 1100 and 1200 blocks of South Broadway, as well as buildings in the 600 block of Songer, 200 block of West Rogers, 400 block of North Washington, and garages in the 900 block of South Franklin and 700 block of West Whitaker Street.