The Marion County Court Probation Department has received a $427,850 grant to enhance services for Drug Court participants.
Director of Court Services Renee Pride made the announcement at Tuesday night’s County Board meeting. She says the four year grant will provide client wrap around services including the payment of personnel costs, drug testing supplies, and treatment programming supplies, as well as transition housing for six participants, medically assisted treatment, and training. Funding begins in January.
The money was awarded by the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, Probation Service Division, with funds from the Bureau of Assistance. Pride says they were one of five counties to receive money under the grant. It will replace grant funds that ended in October.
Pride says this will allow the county to continue to have transitional housing, which was in jeopardy without the funding. She feels transitional housing gives participants the best start to living a sober lifestyle while preparing to seek housing in the community.