
Odin School District moves forward on solar energy

By WJBD Staff Oct 16, 2023 | 8:34 AM
Photo by Sam Snodsmith.

Odin School Superintendent Belinda Kirgan expects work on the district’s solar energy field to get underway next month and be completed by January.

The board at its meeting last week agreed to pay a $21,111 interconnection with Ameren. Kirgan says that was an unexpected expense, but will be paid back quickly with the lower rates to be paid for the solar power. The district will not have any cost for the solar construction and will only pay 3.87 cents per kilowatt hour under the agreement with the company that is building the solar field for investors that will receive tax credits. The solar field will be built east of the school between the two railroad tracks.

The board received its annual audit. All funds were in the black and the district had a recognition score of 3.39 on a 4.0 scale. That’s down slightly from 3.6 last year due to some bonding expenses. Kirgan says the district is in really good financial shape.

The board approved an $800 a year pay increase for non-certified staff after 20 years of consecutive service. Kirgan says the payment is a ‘thank you’ to long time employees and is similar to the longevity payment in the teachers contract.