The Salem City Council will be asked Monday night to adopt a strategic plan that will help guide the city’s future. City Manager Rex Barbee says once adopted, the goal will be to move forward with efforts to lead actions to meet the individual portions of the plan.
The Salem City Council also will be asked to give first reading approval to a change in the city’s natural gas rate structure. Barbee says the structure has not been upgraded in 10 years and the cost for the meters, service line materials and related costs have all seen an increase. The new structure will have updated commercial and residential fees based on usage. The rate per therm will have some users seeing a small increase and some commercial users a reduction in their monthly rate.
The council will be asked to allow the Salem Chamber of Commerce permission to set up a booth on Sweney Corner to distribute candy to trick or treaters on Trick or Treat night on Tuesday, October 31st from six to eight pm. The City of Salem/YMCA Christmas Downtown Celebration Committee is seeking approval to close the 100 block of East McMackin Street on Saturday, December 2nd, to allow food trucks to be utilized for the annual downtown Christmas Celebration.
The council will be asked to once again approve a yearly resolution to adopt a two-cent property tax levy for maintenance, repairs, and alterations of library buildings and equipment.
The meeting begins at six Monday night at Salem City Hall.