The Kaskaskia College Board has approved its fiscal year 2024 budget.
Kaskaskia College Vice President of Administrative Services Judy Hemker says the $52-million budget is fiscally sound and continues to be a good steward of taxpayers’ money. The college anticipates a nine-month reserve by the end of the fiscal year which aligns with the college’s reserve policy.
Trustees also agreed to a declaration that would move Women’s Basketball from Division I to Division II. With the resignation of the previous coach, KC Athletics took the opportunity to plan for the future of Women’s Basketball to be more successful. The primary difference between D1 and D2, outside the changing of competitors in each division, is the ability to offer housing scholarships. The move to Division II would take effect in the 2024-2025 season. KC currently has D2 sports in women’s soccer and men’s/women’s cross-country teams.
In personnel items, the board approved the hiring of Jodie Simcox as a Buildings and Grounds Technician and Jyron Oliver as a Human Resources Generalist.