Groundbreaking is set for Friday for the $250,000 addition to the Centralia Community Youth Center on East Rexford Street.
Executive Director Herb Williams says the 48 by 80-foot addition will include eight new rooms as well as room for storage.
“We are looking at the early part of next year to get that finished and get in it and get things rolling. Big thing for kids in helping with our tutoring services here and more room for tutoring. Keeping our gym open for people coming in there for safe play activities and we will have other things as well like a game room that will be there.”
Williams says there will also be storage rooms and a dedicated room to keep food ahead of scheduled food distributions. A new parking lot is also being added to the north or rear side of the building which will become the new main entrance.
Williams says a state grant for $250,000 will pay for the construction, with additional fundraisers needed to pay for furnishings of the new rooms.
Holmes Construction of Centralia has been selected as the general contractor for the project.
The groundbreaking is set for four Friday afternoon.