
Salem keeps Trick or Treat on October 31st, but not before debate

By WJBD Staff Sep 19, 2023 | 11:50 AM

The Salem City Council has voted to keep Trick or Treating on Halloween night, but two councilpersons are not sure it is a good idea.

Councilman Craig Morton has expressed his opposition in past years and was joined at Monday night’s meeting by new council person Tracy Crouch.

“From a parents perspective I hate it when it’s through the week because kids have to go to school the next day and they are zombie’d out with all the candy and everything.”

Mayor Nic Farley noted the Tuesday night date wasn’t set in stone.

“Now is the opportunity to change it but I would say it would be hard to do the 28th with  Centralia having their Halloween Parade, I think it’s being a good neighbor not doing ours on the same night as theirs.”

But in the end, Crouch and Morton joined the Mayor and Councilman Royce Bringwald in all voting for Halloween from six to eight Tuesday night, October 31st, for those 12 and under.