The Centralia City Council Monday night will be asked to approve a request to use Fairview Park by 618 Sports Academy for Oktober Fest on September 30th.
City Manager Kory Smith says the event has grown since its original plans to use the field area that they lease and they will need to utilizing other areas surrounding the fields. He reports the city has received a valid certificate of insurance from the liquor vendor, Crooked Creek Winery, that has already been approved to be set up within a fenced in area of the park by the city’s Liquor Commissioner and Mayor Bryan Kuder.
The council will also consider a resolution approving an addendum to the lease of ball fields and concession stand with 618 Academy concerning the mowing of the leased property.
Mayor Kuder will present a proclamation proclaiming September 18th through the 24th as National Rail Safety Week.
The meeting begins at six Monday night at Centralia City Hall.