
Salem recycling trailer to have limited hours

By WJBD Staff Jun 21, 2023 | 8:34 AM
Keep Salem Beautiful recycling trailer.

The Keep Salem Beautiful Recycling Trailer will have limited hours for the next six to eight weeks.

As a result of a manpower shortage at the Centralia Recycling Center, the recycling trailer can only be emptied on Mondays and Fridays.   After it is emptied on those days, the recycling trailer will be at its usual location on the Marion County parking lot in the 200 block of North Broadway.   However, once it is full, it will be taken away until it can be emptied.

KSB officials are pleading with everyone NOT to leave bags of recyclables on the ground if the trailer is full or is removed until it is emptied.

An announcement will be made when the recycling center returns to normal operation.