
Centralia City Council to consider more mutual aid agreements for Police Department

By WJBD Staff Feb 27, 2023 | 8:42 AM
Centralia Police Chief Christopher Locke

The Centralia City Council will be asked to approve a resolution at Monday night’s meeting to authorize Mutual Aid Agreements with the Central City, Wamac, and Kaskaskia College Police Departments.

Centralia Chief Chris Locke says the agreement is the same the department entered earlier with the Salem Police Department and Marion County Sheriff’s Department.  He notes it gives each department better protection when assisting the other and will allow for the departments to assist each other in investigation of major crimes and in times more manpower is needed.

The council will be asked to accept a proposal for professional services from Burbach Aquatics, Inc. for the repair, renovation, or replacement of the Fairview Park Swimming Pool.  The study will include technical analysis of the site, review community demographics, perform a marketing study, analyze pool usage and demand, complete a demand analysis to determine the size of pool recommended, develop a conceptual plan for the proposed facilities, and provide opinions of probable costs and prepare final recommendations.  The cost of the study will be $2,850 plus reimbursables.

The council will consider an ordinance amending the makeup of the Tourism Commission.  The mayor will appoint nine members to serve staggered four year terms on a volunteer basis.  One apiece will represent the Centralia Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development organizations, restaurant owner, tourism interest and four at large residents or business owners of the community.   The one additional appointed member will be an elected member of the city council.  The City Manager or designee and Chamber of Commerce Director will be ex-officio members.

An ordinance will be considered approving a right-of-way license agreement with Delta Communications, LLC doing business as Clearwave Communications for the Installation of Fiber Optic Cable throughout the community.  For the initial phase of work, Delta will pay the city $50,000 for the permit.

The council will be asked to approve the purchase of a utility vehicle for the cemetery at a cost of $17,265.66 from Okawville Equipment.

Mayor Bryan Kuder is recommending Julius Flagg be named to the Fire and Police Commission and Greg Sutton and Kelsie Smith to the Tourism Commission.

The meeting begins at six Monday night at Centralia City Hall.