Centralia Public Works Director Jeff Schwartz announced at the Centralia City Council meeting Monday night that the Illinois Department of Transportation has awarded a bid on reconstruction of Gragg Street from Lincoln to Country Club Road.
The low bidder was Guinzey Construction of Ashley at $1.7-million. The bid was $200,000 over the engineer’s estimate made two years ago.
Schwartz anticipate construction work to begin in May and be completed before the end of the year.
“The whole process is going to be about 8,000 feet of new road, ditches, culverts. There will be no storm sewer or curb. Just money to make a road and make better drainage.”
Schwartz says while road work won’t begin until May, other parts of the project are starting now.
“Have to buy the right-of-way, engineering, move the gas line, poles. You’ll start seeing that now if you go out down the road, try to get ahead. We are going to do it in sections.”
However, Schwartz says there will be times the road will be closed to through traffic. He will work to make sure the road is available to access the north part of Foundation Park for Balloonfest.
Federal and state funds will pay for 80-percent of the cost, with the city responsible for the other 20-percent, or about $200,000. Schwartz noted the city’s share of the money is already set aside.
Planning for the project began five years ago.