
Salem Township Hospital signs contract with architect for ‘A’ wing and parking lot renovation

By WJBD Staff Nov 23, 2022 | 8:40 AM

The Salem Township Hospital Board has signed a $400,000 contract with BSA Architects of Indianapolis to develop plans and oversee construction of the renovation of ‘A’ wing and to raise a parking lot outside ‘A’ wing to get rid of the steps.

Hospital President Alex Nazarian says plans for the conversion of the former patient wing into medical offices will now be developed.

“With the architect we are going to start finalizing the layout for the A wing.  We have some preliminary designs like which clinics will go there and what exam rooms, but its like back of the napkin type drawings.  We are going to start next week seriously designing all the details that involves having a useful and functional space.”

Nazarian hopes to have cost estimates on the overall project by the hospital board meeting in December.  He’s hesitant to set a timetable for the overall project due to supply issues currently impacting the economy.

Nazarian reported the Illinois Department of Public Health has now inspected and given final approval to the new emergency room entrance.  The project has been completed for several months but could not be fully used without the final inspection.  Nazarian says the USDA, which provided funding for the project, has also reviewed the work and given it high marks.

Nazarian reported COVID-19 cases continue to drop.  Of 622 tests completed at the hospital in October, only 26 were positive.  The hospital has now dropped masking requirements and Monday morning tests on some employees.

Nurses at the hospital are traveling to job fairs in hopes of finding other nurses to join them to fill vacancies at the hospital.