
Happy Hearts Quilt Guild draws good crowd to their weekend show in Salem

By WJBD Staff Oct 24, 2022 | 8:47 AM
Happy Hearts Quilt Guild member Tere Backs works on a quilt for Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

The Happy Heart Quilt Guild members displayed 100 quilts made in the past year at their annual show at the Salem Community Center over the weekend.

President Julia Clark says they were really happy with the number viewing the work, noting many of their own members were able to return this year as the COVID numbers have dropped.

Clark says the Guild of 70 members has taken on a special project that was on display.

“Making quilts to donate to Sleep in Heavenly Peace.  We have made 78 completed twin size quilts.  We have members who don’t’ sew very good but opportunities for everybody to work so some could be cutting fabric, sewing, piecing, long arm quilting.  We really had a tremendous turnout and a great group project.”

Clark says everyone is welcome at their monthly meeting held the second Saturday of each month at the First Christian Church in Salem.  She notes you don’t even have to quilt to be part of the organization.

Those attending the show voted on their favorite quilt.  Verna Piper took first place, Nancy McDaneld second, and Kim Garrett third.    The door prize was won by Mark Gilliland of Atlanta, Georgia.

Verna Piper received the most 1st place votes for their favorite quilt from attendees of the show.

Nancy McDaneld with her second-place entry.

Kim Gossett received the third-highest number of votes for her quilt.