Salem Public Works Director Annette Brushwitz update the city council Tuesday night on several upcoming improvement projects.
Brushwitz announced work would begin next week on the Kell Street water line replacement between South Broadway and South College. She reported traffic on Kell Street would be impacted. The city plans to look at improvements to the street once the water line work is done.
Brushwitz reported the Illinois Department of Transportation has opened bids on the West Whitaker Street resurfacing project from South College to near South Broadway. She has not yet received the bid information, but warned a lack of contractors has resulted in bids on projects not being very good.
Brushwitz reported that natural gas prices has started coming down and the city is watching for the low point to purchase gas for the upcoming heating season. She says the city still has plenty of gas in reserves and is in much better shape than many other cities with the price being paid for gas.
After the council received a complaint on the condition of West Commercial Street at the Route 37 intersection, Brushwitz promised the city council an update within 45 days on what could be done to fill a large drop in the pavement. The council was told the problem was severe enough to potentially cause vehicle