
Kinmundy woman pleads guilty to a burglary of rural Iuka farmstead

By WJBD Staff Apr 28, 2022 | 8:36 AM
Katlin Hollinshead

A 20-year-old Kinmundy woman has pleaded guilty in Marion County Court to burglary of a farmstead in the 7900 block of Brubaker Road in rural Iuka.

Katlin Hollinshead of East 5th was placed on two year’s probation and agreed to testify truthfully in the case of a co-defendant. She also pleaded guilty to a petition to revoke her probation on a prior possession of controlled substance charge with the same sentence as the burglary case.

A second count of burglary claiming she or someone she was accountable returned to the farmstead for another burglary three days after the first in September of last year.