
Easter rain chances pushed back to after 3 pm; Easter Egg Hunts set for Centralia and Wamac

By Bruce Kropp Apr 16, 2022 | 11:08 AM

The National Weather Service has pushed back the scattered showers in the forecast for Easter Sunday.

The weather service now says the greatest chance for showers is from three to nine pm.  The forecast calls for a chilly high of 54 with partly sunny skies until late afternoon.

The forecast should allow the two major Marion County Easter Egg Hunts to not be impacted by the possibility of rain.   The Salem Lions Club Easter Egg hunt featuring about 3,000 eggs in three age categories 2 to 4, 5 to 7, and 8 to 10.  It will begin at two in Bryan Memorial Park in the stage area.   You are asked not to come to the park until 1:30.

The Centralia area Easter Egg Hunt will once again take place in the Wamac Park.   Registration begins at 12:30 and the hunt begins at one.  The three age brackets are 0-4, 5-8 and 9-12

Both hunts feature a number of prizes for the youngsters finding prize eggs.