The Centralia City Council Monday night will be asked to declare the vacant Hoffman-Hart building at 122 East Broadway as surplus city property and to solicit bids for the sale of surplus real estate. Request for proposals and bids will be opened at the May 9th city council meeting. The city will require a timetable for construction and completion of improvements, estimated project budget, including property acquisition and TIF assistance. Mayor Bryan Kuder says the large downtown building has been shown to several potential buyers.
The council will be asked to approve the Annual Fourth of July Celebration in Fairview Park July 1st through the 4th along with a new event for the Centralia American Legion in September. The legion is planning its First Annual Labor Day Fest from September 2nd through the 5th.
The council will be asked to proclaim the official opening day of Major League Baseball on Thursday, April 7th, as Gary Gaetti day.
A bid to partially reroof the Emergency Operating Center building in the former City Hall from Elite Contracting and Consulting will be before the city council. Their $146,454 bid will allow the sections of roof most in need to be reroofed while staying under the $150,000 budget for the project. Earlier bids were rejected when they came in well over budget.
The Public Works and Fire Departments are recommending a No Parking Zone on the north side of East 5th between Cedar and Lincoln Boulevard. Parking is already banned on the south side, but had been lifted on the north side at the request of residents. After a trial period, the public works and fire departments are both reporting that emergency vehicles, school buses, and other vehicles are having difficulty turning onto East 5th from Lincoln due to the parked vehicles.
The council will recognize the retirement of Fire Lieutenant Cary Altadonna for 26 years of service and Public Works Maintenance Operator Michael Berning after 19 years of service.
The meeting gets underway at six Monday night at Centralia City Hall.