The Centralia City Council without discussion approved a severance package for former City Manager Scott Randall and appointed City Clerk Kim Enke as Administrative Officer to perform the duties of the city manager while a search for a new city manager is undertaken. Randall worked just over six months. The city agreed to pay him 20 weeks severance pay totaling $51,346 plus another $8,600 in accrued paid time off.
City Attorney William Smith called the package “a standard separation agreement”.
A former Mayoral and City Council candidate Vernell Burris told the city council in the public comment portion of the meeting he would pursue a change in the city’s type of government.
“Next week I will circulate a petition to put on a ballot alderman form of government. A mayor and alderman. Precinct 1-2 will be Ward 1, Precinct 3-4 would be Ward 2. It would get better representation to our community and wouldn’t get all the councilmen from one area.”
Burris says with a “ton” of failed city manager’s as evidence, he reports the City Manager form of Government in Centralia doesn’t work. If Burris is able to get enough signatures, the proposal would be submitted to voters at a future election.