
Patoka Fall Festival set for this weekend

By Bruce Kropp Sep 3, 2021 | 1:18 PM

The Patoka Fall Festival returns after a year’s absence.

The activity begins on Friday night with the carnival and the opening of the food vendors at five pm.   The Friday night entertainment in the arena is the T and A Bucking Bulls Rodeo.  There will be mutton busting for kids up to age seven or 70 pounds.   There is a $10 entry fee, with registration beginning at 6:30.  The Rodeo begins at seven.   The Rock Band Rev’d Up will perform at the small pavilion at nine Friday evening.

Activity resumes on Saturday, with a parade through downtown to the Patoka Park stepping off at eleven.   The theme is ‘Those were the Days’.   Grand Marshals were Mr. and Mrs. David Rogers.   David Rogers is a retired minister in Patoka.   The park opens at noon for a fried chicken dinner from Niemerg’s from noon to 1:30 pm.  The Patoka Library will host a pie stand.   The carnival also reopens at noon.  Registration for the bag tournament is from 11 to noon.   Bingo begins at the large pavilion and a cakewalk at the small pavilion at two Saturday afternoon.

The Saturday night event in the Arena is the demolition derby.  Registration is from 3 to 6:30 pm, with the derby beginning at seven.   The Power Wheels Derby will begin at 6:30.  There will be two heats.  One for three to five-year-olds and another for 6 to 7-year-olds.  Registration is at six.  Kids must have a car (12 volt maximum) and a helmet.

The Fall Festival will close with a Community Church Service at 10:30 Saturday morning in the large pavilion at the park.   You’re encouraged to bring lawn chairs.