The South Central School Board will meet in special session Tuesday night to revisit their Return to Learn Plan.
The board did not change their plan to require the mandatory wearing of masks by students and staff when it was mandated by the Governor and has been placed on probation by the Illinois Board of Education as a result.
Superintendent Kerry Herdes says they were told during a remote meeting with the State Board of Education they had 60 days from the meeting day last Tuesday to bring their plan into compliance or face loss of recognition followed by loss of funding. The probationary status will also not allow the district to participate in post season tournaments.
The meeting will begin in closed session at six, with open session to follow at seven in the South Central Middle School Cafeteria. The board has included recognition of guests on the agenda. Herdes said as of Friday the district had three students who were on quarantine due to a positive COVID-19 test and 48 others who were out because of close contact. He reports all three buildings has been impacted.