Marion County officeholders came before the county board Monday night to voice their support for the creation of the county administrator position.
County Clerk Steve Fox says the county government is in need of a full-time manager.
“Why do we come before you? Why are we here in front of you today? It’s about the changes coming in the future. And with that is going to be more difficulty. It’s going to be harder to communicate if we don’t change with that change. If we don’t adjust how we do government here we are going to find it hard to keep up with the times. That is why we are here and where we are coming from.”
State’s Attorney Tim Hudspeth tried to assure the board the new position would not take power from them.
“It is not somebody that comes in and takes overdoing what the county board does. It’s a position that works basically under the county board at your direction and pleasure, carrying out the things you all vote on at meetings at night. It is someone that will be onsite during normal business hours at the courthouse to make sure that elevator projects, jail door projects, HVAC projects…what you have discussed and want to get done is actually taking place.”
County Treasurer Gary Purcell says the county’s general fund balance is currently around $4-million, the highest in more than 20 years. He notes with incoming grant money the county is in excellent financial condition and it is a perfect time to add a county coordinator.
Fox says there are three major areas the County Administrator would oversee.
They are human relations, grants and contracts, and coordination with the county board.
“We are not talking about a $30,000 a year job. This is someone that will have to have financial knowledge, grant writing knowledge, and business knowledge. And be able to help the board to make decisions that are going to go out many years from now. I think we all have swelled around the idea that this is going to be a $100,000 per year job, or more.”
But Fox said the county officials did not see the need for any additional support staff, something some of the county board members questioned.
Board Vice-Chair Dr. Creighton Engel also questioned the need, especially since the board has hired Ameresco to oversee the upcoming millions of dollars in building projects and Bell Weather to help with finances and to oversee construction of the yearly budget.
Board Chair Debbie Smith said she was deeply hurt by the way the officeholders have handled the situation.
“I’m the county chair if you have an issue let me know. Nobody has called me. Number two, I knew you were having meetings once a month or once a week, but nobody has invited me to come besides that one special meeting. I don’t even know when it is. I should be there to represent the board if you want somebody there. So I’m just saying I would like to be included and respected as well. And I’m not.”
But Smith told fellow board members she enters the discussion on the creation of the administrator’s position with an open mind and hopes they will do the same while keeping those they represent in mind. The issue now goes to the Personnel Committee for further discussion at its September 9th meeting. If the committee agrees to the need, the creation of the position could come before the board for approval at its September 14th meeting.