From now through July, readers, who are in the second grade and younger, can read books to earn tickets for fishing games.
“The early bird gets the worm,” comments Program Director Karen Shanafelt. The fishing games actually begin in June 4. Between now and then, theĀ youngsters can start accumulating tickets that will allow them to enter fishing games at the Library.
Children will earn 1 ticket for every three books that they check out of the Library. Tickets are given to the youngsters at checkout. Youngsters will collect the tickets until they can redeem the tickets for chances in the games that will occur at the library on Fridays in June and July.
Children will also be allowed to earn more tickets during June and July by checking out more books. The more they read, the more they can “go fishing.” The last day of the Derby will be July 30. This is the first phase of the redesigned Summer Reading Program that Bryan-Bennett Library is rolling out this season.
Shanafelt has redesigned the Summer Reading activities at the Library and has incorporated something for every age. The statewide theme for Summer Reading Program 2021 is Reading Colors Your World. In June, readers, who are in kindergarten through fifth grade, can earn tokens that will admit them to
outdoor, pre-scheduled individual or small group color-filled creating sessions including: glow-in-the-dark sand art, paint a sun catcher, string art, rock and roll painting, tie-dying, and slime making. These activities will be available to schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays in July. One ticket will be earned for every three items checked out. More information about participating in this program will be available at the Library’s circulation desk.
Sixth graders through adults can read to earn tokens that canbe exchanged for several color-filled activity kits, including:stained glass art, string art, androck and roll painting. These will be in take home kit s. If none of these activities are of interest, high school age and adult patrons may trade in a ticket for an entry in a drawing for one of six gift cards. One ticket earned for every four items checked out .
New preschool story times will be posted on the Library’s facebook page on Fridays, after 4 p.m. Local residents can also mark the date for 2 in-person activities at the Library. A Mark Twain impersonator will appear July 6 and the Elsenpeter Marionettes will present the Legend of Sleepy Hollow ON July 14. More information on these events will be announced at a later date.
For more information about these activities, contact Bryan-Bennett Library at 548-3006 or stop by the Library at 315 South Maple.