If COVID-19 numbers continue to improve, Governor JB Pritzker says Illinois is on track to enter Phase Five in July.
With the City of Chicago setting July 4th as the goal to fully reopen, Governor Pritzker says the entire state may be ready for that as well come July.
“We’re very very hopeful that we will be able to move into the next phase, the ‘Bridge’ phase, and then into Phase Five which is really opening everything up about 28 days after that. The more people that get vaccinated the better off we will be, because that above all that is what keeps people who get COVID out of the hospital,” said Pritzker.
Nearly 80-percent of Illinois Seniors and 55 percent of those 16 and up have received at least one dose of vaccine so far. Pritzker says the UK variant is the one that is being seen the most and it moves very fast.
The state of Illinois is reporting 2,211 new confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday. Another 19 deaths are being reported, including a male in his 70s in Franklin County and a female in her 80s in St. Clair County. The statewide positivity rate has dropped to 3.3-percent.
The Marion County Health Department is reporting eight new COVID-19 cases Saturday through Tuesday. Six of the cases are in an outbreak at a long-term care facility. None are students. Seven of the cases are considered community spread and one is a household/close contact.
There are now 11 on home isolation in Marion County. None are hospitalized. Six were released from isolation in the past four days.
Clinton County is reporting six new positive cases on Tuesday. 12 are on home isolation and three are hospitalized.
Jefferson County is reporting two new cases on Tuesday with ten currently in isolation.