State Senators Jason Plummer and Terri Bryant have joined other Republican Senators in denouncing a plan by Democrats to push through a bill to eliminate the need for underage girls to receive parental consent before they can have an abortion.
Plummer says the legislation shouldn’t be considered at all because they are in a veto session and this is new legislation. He calls the proposal an assault on family rights that puts the legislature between a child-parental relationship.
“These parental notification laws help protect some of the most vulnerable children out there. If parents don’t know what’s going on in their child’s life. If they don’t know of this procedure is being done, how do they know if their daughter is either being abused or in a bad situation where she might need assistance. Some of the worst in our society, sex traffickers, human traffickers, people who abuse children take advantage of loop holes like that to take advantage of some of the most vulnerable in our society.
As far even considering the new legislation in a veto session, Plummer calls that an abuse of the system by the Democrat majority. State Representative Blaine Wilhour also spoke out against removing the parental consent law at this weekend’s Reagan Day Dinner in Salem. Plummer notes there are very few vetoes that need to be considered in the session.