Salem’s new Deputy Police Chief will not only be sworn into that position at Wednesday night’s city council meeting, but Tyler Rose is also expected to be named acting police chief as a search gets underway for the replacement of retiring chief Susan Miller. Miller says since her decision to step down two weeks ago she has been working with Rose to bring him up to date on all projects she has been working to allow for a smooth transition.
The council will consider an offer to allow them to take over the building and office space at 109 South Broadway at no charge. The building housed the offices of Attorney Mike Jones who retired as City Attorney and retired from his entire practice at the end of the year. The building is next to city hall.
City Manager Annette Sola is recommending the city continue to work with Tom Paulson of TOP Electric at a cost not to exceed $100,000 to redo the electric lines that run into an electrical box at the back of city hall. The proposal includes removing the existing box from the back side of the building and relocate them in a free-standing box made and installed in the asphalt next to one of the buildings. It will include trenching new lines from the box to the individual buildings and then tying in all new electric lines to city hall. The project will be done over four months and will be done in phases to allow city hall to remain open
Recreation Director Jed Casburn will seek guidance on the July 4th celebration in Bryan Memorial Park.
The council will be asked to update language to how sick leave and vacation time is paid out when an employee leaves the city.
Newly appointed City Attorney Matt Wilzbach is expected to attend his first meeting.
The meeting was originally scheduled for six Monday night, but because of the weather has been moved back to six Wednesday evening.