
Centralia High School looking at creation of ‘Coaches Corner’

By News Feb 26, 2021 | 8:37 AM

Centralia High School Superintendent Chuck Lane says a “Coaches Corner” in the entryway to Trout Arena is in the talking stages.   He told the school board Thursday night it would honor less-well-known CHS coaches.

“We wanted to be able to recognize some of our long-time coaches that have come through Centralia, that maybe aren’t recognized for wins or losses but for their contribution to the school or the athletic program. More of a merit-based recognition and, like, there are some really good candidates but we’re not ready to announce those yet or not but we thought it would be another way to recognize them and their families. Give them some recognition and put them right up there with Coach Trout. His accomplishments would still be a cornerstone of that area but calling the coach’s corner right there to add some plaques around… so they’d all be up there together.”

In his report, Superintendent Lane noted that the Tri-County Conference this year had the best attendance in recent years, and that future conferences may take virtual attendance into account. He said many reported that they liked the virtual event.

Lane says the vaccine clinic held for Marion County teachers and staff was very successful with an estimated 65 percent of the faculty and staff vaccinated. He said with the clinic and other vaccinations CHS probably has 7o percent of the employees vaccinated.

In the new on-site Covid-19 testing, Lane said that no positive cases have been found at the Annex facility and of the 13 students and two staff tested at the main campus, only one has been positive, a staff member.

Upcoming activities at Centralia High School for March and later include the spring blood drive, Rotary Honors Night, and other events, some usually held during the fall semester but delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions.

According to Principal Reid Shipley, all events have been impacted by the changing rules set due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Shipley said that there are hopes that the restrictions will ease, but that “until they do, you have to prepare for what we have.”

Other upcoming spring events include: the Student Council will have their annual blood drive, Thursday, March 4, 8:15 to 1:30, with a goal of 61 units. March 5 for Homecoming, a tailgate-style school-day event; March 15 for Rotary Honors, which is also planned to take place during the school day; Spring Break from March 29-April 5; and April 30 for Prom (right now planned as a daytime activity, but more formal than Homecoming (with final plans to be arranged later).

Shipley said that CHS only used one snow day during the winter event in mid-February, attributing the remainder to e-learning days. With that said, he added that he expects the last day of student attendance to be May 27, although that date could be changed in the event of additional inclement weather.