
Odin School Board approves tax levy; votes to replace doors

By Bruce Kropp Dec 15, 2024 | 2:19 PM
Odin High School. Photo by Sam Snodsmith.

The Odin School Board at its meeting Thursday night voted to set its tax levy increase at 4.99 percent over what was collected this year.  The actual amount will depend on new construction and the amount of increase allowed until the consumer price index which is 3.4-percent this year.   Staying under a five percent increase will avoid a Truth in Taxation hearing.

The board approved a $19,000 contract with J.C. Construction of Odin to replace 11 interior and exterior doors.  The improvements will be paid for through the Stronger Connections grant.

The board has set a second interview with Assistant Superintendent Quinton Marcum at a special board meeting on January 7th.   A decision on a new superintendent could come at the regular January board meeting.

The board approved the resignation of Ranayie Timmons as school nurse.  She will remain a CNA teacher.  The board also approved the resignation of Erin Telford as a paraprofessional.  She will be replaced by Amber Roldan.

The board approved a state-required Cardiac Response Plan that will require staff to know the locations of AEDs and how to use them.