
One Last Round Before State….Salem, Selmaville & Kell 8th Graders Honored at Salem Bowl

By WJBD Staff Mar 15, 2024 | 7:28 AM

Salem, Selmaville & Kell bowlers had their final set of games last night celebrating 8th grade night for the teams.

Overall Selmaville and Franklin Park had a great match with Selmaville coming away with a 2-pin win.  Ethan Poole had the high game of 185 followed by Benny Bryan 183.

Selmaville girls beat Salem with Makynzi Hurd a high game of 143 and Lilly Morris 130.

The Franklin Park #2 team beat Kell with Dakota Gregg’s high score of 157 and Keaton Smythe 155.

The FP JV rolled against Kell and won.  Carter Summers shot 126 and Hunter Williams 120.  Salem and Selmaville will roll at State this weekend.