The Odin Firemen’s Picnic opened Thursday night and will continue from six to ten Friday and Saturday night.
The Egyptian Exposition Carnival is back on the Midway. Armbands are $25 each night and individual ride tickets are $4.
Odin Fire Chief Greg Smith says a number of activities will highlight the annual event.
“On Friday night, we will have the 23rd Annual Car Show. Kenny Carpenter and his group will be putting that on. Games, a cakewalk, food, and entertainment will be featured. Saturday night, we’ll have the sound off for the cars that have speakers and stuff in them. Then we open again with food and games at six o’clock. The fireworks will be at ten o’clock.”
Smith explains how this year’s proceeds are earmarked.
“Back in March or April, the fire trustees went ahead and purchased new breathing apparatuses. Ours were well over 30 years old. We tried and tried for grants and were unable to get grants. So we went ahead and financed it. I believe the association has agreed to put a significant amount of money down for a downpayment to help keep the monthly payments down so they are very manageable.”
Smith says if you need more information on the car show you can call Ken Carpenter at (618) 231-1366. If you need more information on the rest of the Picnic you can contact Odin Village Hall at (618) 775-8460 or Doug at 618-367-6141.